Ideas with our products

Ideas with our products

Here we have put together a few options for what you can do with our products. Feel free to send us your creative ideas

Ideas with honey

Honey instead of sugar
use honey instead of sugar. Wherever there is sugar, you can alternatively use honey, for sweetening or when baking (this makes the result even more sophisticated)

In the tea
gives the tea a slightly different sweetness

With warm milk
You already know that from Grandma's home remedies, e.g. if it scratches your throat (small tip: only warm up to approx. 40 degrees, then all healthy substances of the honey are preserved)

In coffee or espresso
yes, it's deliciously different, just try it :-)

Non-alcoholic punch
Hot or chilled alcohol-free punch, from fruit juice and / or tea and sweetened with honey 

"Hot Honey Apple"
Hot cider with honey (the symbiosis of the slightly bitter taste of cider with the sweetness of honey)

Ideas with honey liqueur

Pure honey liqueur
Pure it is a special treat

"Honey Royal"
A wonderful aperitif: Sparkling wine or champagne with a dash of honey liqueur

"Hot Honey Apple Royal"
Hot cider with honey liqueur, the heavenly alternative to mulled wine (Not only during Advent, but also on other chilly evenings throughout the year. Find your ideal mixing ratio: 1: 1, 1: 2, 1: 3 or 1: 4

Cocktail creations with honey liqueur:
Be creative

Ideas with honey balsamic vinegar

Pure as a salad dressing
Our honey balsamic is a pleasant taste experience. The honey removes the certain sharpness from the balsamic vinegar. So it can be used straight as a dressing

As an ingredient in your dressing

Mix your salad dressing with ours Honey balsamic as a base. Be it with oil or with other ingredients. There are no limits to the creativity.

Refine creative dishes
Our honey balsamic can be wonderfully used for refine your creations (e.g. with tomato mozzarella, goat cheese, etc.)

"HoneyBal Sprizz"
A surprise as an aperitif: Sparkling wine or champagne with a dash of honey balsamic vinegar. That's fine :-) ! So far there have only been positive reactions 'because not so sweet'.
(One tip: Do not tell your guests what it is and just let them try, the surprise will be even greater)

Do not forget: Honey is a natural product: Shake the honey liqueur and honey balsamic vinegar well before use for the best honey aroma
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